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Seated Forward Bend Pose – Paschimottanasana

Posted in Yoga Asanas

Seated Forward Bend Pose is another pose that I use to get a good spinal stretch. It will also stretch your hamstrings. You can use it to tone your abdominal organs and for a healthy uro-genital system.

One of the best benefits of this pose is its ability to calm your mind and relieve anxiety. It is in all of my stress reducing sequences. If you find yourself having a bad day you can take 5 minutes on your yoga mat in Seated Forward Bend Pose and reset your mind. Its always calming for your soul. Please be aware that if you have asthma or a back injury avoid this pose. Let’s start…

Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Bring your feet together. Reach your arms toward the sky with an inhale. Bend forward from the hips with an exhale and hold the stretch. It doesn’t matter if you hold your shins, ankles, or toes. Where ever you are at in your practice is ok, do not try to over stretch.

Lean into your stretch, relax your neck, breathe deeply into your stomach. Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. When ready, rise back up with an inhale.

Always be aware of your alignment. With this pose you want to keep your neck in line with your spine and keep your feet together and relaxed. Your elbows should remain bent to maintain the relaxing benefits.

Often I will modify this pose depending on the sequence I am using. For example if I move into this pose from Lotus Pose I will leave my legs bent and crossed as I fold over.
