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Healing On My Yoga Mat

Posted in Yoga Inspiration

My plans for the day…healing on my yoga mat. This is my daughter’s birthday, unfortunately she is not here to celebrate and hasn’t been for 14 years. This leaves me trying to process all the emotions that come flooding inside me.

There is the grief and loss I feel from not being able to hug her. There is the anger because her life was so short yet so meaningful. There is the gratitude for having known her. There is the pride and glory in the knowledge that she changed the world in 17 short years and left it a better place than when she arrived. There is the confusion of why my heart can still beat when it broke into so many pieces. There is the guilt of being able to be so happy in my life now. There is the happiness of knowing her soul is still in her sisters and myself. There is comfort in seeing her open heart in my grand daughter. So what do I do with all these powerful conflicting emotions?

I grab my yoga mat to heal and pray. First, I pray for peace to get through the day as I stretch in a Forward Fold. Then, I pray for strength as I reach high in Tree Pose. Stepping into Warrior I, I pray for the ability to just keep breathing through my day. Spreading wide in Warrior II, I pray for balance. I pray for cleansing as I follow the stretch into Downward Facing Dog, then drop into Upward Facing Dog as I inhale one long cleansing breath. Rising to Cat Stretch, I repeat the long inhale and exhale slowly. I pray for serenity to saturate my soul as flow into Extended Cobra, stretching the lower spine, pressing my heart forward and open. I pray for healing as I fold into Extended Child’s Pose.

Here, I feel the release, I feel the cleansing, I feel the strength as I savor the moment flipping over into Corpse Pose. Here, I will rest. Here, I will feel my heart beat. Here, I will breath as I realize I am ok.

Regardless of what your pain is, you can always find healing powers on your yoga mat. This is the place to open in meditation and cleanse in movement while healing your soul. So grab your yoga mat and together we will walk this journey.
