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Twisted Sage Pose For Stress And Your Stomach

Posted in Yoga Asanas

Stress hates my stomach! Like most females, stress can do a real number on my stomach. It will either bind me up or cut me loose, neither is my choice of how to spend my day! So let’s add a little Twisted Sage Pose to our morning routine to help stabilize the tummy and see if we can’t turn this love/hate relationship around.

The benefit to this asana is to help stimulate digestion and remove the impurities of the body. As the abdominal organs are squeezed, the kidney and liver are stimulated. When the twist is released, blood then enters the organs. This is great for stress and your stomach!

Here’s how to…Start by sitting on the floor with both legs straight in front of you. Now bend your left leg towards your chest. Rotate your torso towards your left knee. Then, wrap your right arm around the left knee, positioning the knee in the crook of the right elbow. After resting in this position for several breaths, switch sides and repeat. Your tummy will thank you later, and so will your soul! Now stress and your stomach can be friends….
