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Where Has Our Empathy Gone?

Posted in Yoga Inspiration, and Yoga Lifestyle

As we enter the holiday season in a world that has been turned upside down, I can’t help but notice the one thing missing this year is empathy. Where has our empathy gone? Did we forget how to be kind to each other? Someday World Peace will be achieved through empathy and kindness, but for now, let’s started with our own village.

Even though we are all in a form of lockdown this season, I challenge each of you to do one act of service for someone worse off than yourself. It could be as simple as a phone call to someone living alone just to let them know they are not really alone in the world. Or it can be as big as financially supporting someone else’s Christmas if they are going through a tougher time than yourself. There is no act too large, as there is no act too small. If we all just did what we truly could for each other, a wave of goodness will saturate our lives and our hearts.

One of the best ways to get over your own pain is to be of service to others. When you are focused on someone else’s pain, you tend to lessen the focus on your own sorrow and that is when healing can begin. So grab your yoga mat, rest in Easy Pose, arms resting on your knees, palms up, eyes closed and let’s sit in the moment and reflect on what we can do to ease someone else’s pain today. Deep breath in…slowly release…

When you’re ready, hands to your chest, palms together in prayer, ask for strength, and ask for sincerity. With that, go make a difference in someone’s world.
