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With Patience and Kindness

Posted in Yoga Inspiration

We are in a world we have never experienced before…the Global community is facing a health crisis together yet individually. Do we travel, do we eat out, do we go to doctor appointments? The fear of the unknown is taking over our thoughts and our daily behavior. Kids are pinned up and scared, our parents are at a new risk we didn’t see coming, which way do we turn? Now is the time to lead with patience and kindness.

Stress is overtaking us all…how do we deal with our new reality? We have to find a way to declutter our thoughts. So what do we do? The answer for me is simple…meditation, prayer, patience, kindness, and social respect. This is the time that we embrace our family and do the cautious steps to self-quarantine. Limit our interaction with the public to protect our families and our world. Turn your focus to the inside of your house instead of the activities of your neighbors. Enjoy the simple laughter of your children or the funny way your husband dances in the kitchen when he thinks no one is watching. Unplug from the world and engage in decluttered joy of family. It’s like preparing for a snow storm, but give this one a while to pass.

Over the next few weeks, we will figure out ways to deal with the stress together. For today, let’s start our day with a prayer and a hug and be joyful to be going through this together…supporting each other with patience and kindness.

Tomorrow you can start your day with early morning yoga.
