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Eagle Pose… My Body And Soul Needs To Stretch!

Posted in Yoga Asanas

Being under self-quarantine can be stifling both mentally and physically, we need to stretch! Nothing will stretch your body quite like the powerful Eagle Pose. Don’t get caught up in making sure you look perfect, just feel your way through it. You will be all twisted up, but when you release, you will feel the blood flowing stronger. Your soul will also thank you for the movement.

The benefits of this asana is that much needed stretch. In addition to stretching the ankles and calves, this asana stretches the thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back. By pressing the thighs firmly together, deeper circulation is supported in the legs, which helps flush out the blood and lymphatic system.

Here’s how to…stand up straight with your arms by your side, feet together. This asana is Mountain Pose, we will move into Eagle Pose from here. Bring your left foot upward, bending the knee. Now wrap your left foot around your right leg as you rest the back of your left thigh on your right thigh. Cross your left arm over your right at the elbows and join your palms together keeping your fingers pointed upward. So now press your thighs together to strengthen that needed stretch. Inhale and hold the pose for the duration of the inhaled breath. Now exhale and return to Mountain Pose. Next, repeat the pose but on the opposite side. Wrap the right leg over the left and the right arm over the left. Beathe…
