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Rhythmic Breathing Instead Of Coffee

Posted in Meditation

Who says meditation requires a dark quite space, isolated from the world? Meditation comes in many forms and is used to achieve many different results! Rhythmic Breathing is a form of meditation that is a great alternative to your third cup of coffee. When you are feeling sluggish or disconnected and need a energy boost, Rhythmic Breathing is a great solution.

Here’s how it works. It doesn’t matter if you are standing, walking, kneeling, or sitting still…you can practice Rhythmic Breathing anywhere. Your eyes can be open or closed, it’s all about the breathing pattern. So, inhale through the nose twice in quick, short succession. Then exhale through the nose twice in quick, short succession. Repeat the pattern…inhale, inhale…exhale, exhale.

In as few as six cycles, you will feel more energized. Make sure and pause between cycles with the regular inhale and exhale, this will keep you from becoming lightheaded. The advantage of this breath is it can turn any routine activity into a moving meditation opportunity.

If you are new to meditation, this may help.
